What is the best time to eat apples? Morning or Night?
If you’re looking to lose weight, you may be wondering when the best time to eat apples is. The answer is in the morning times.
If you’re looking for a snack that will help keep you full in between meals, then eating an apple before dinner may be best for you.
However, if you’re looking to lose weight more quickly, then eating them earlier in the morning may be better.

Why shouldn’t you eat apples in the evening or at night?
The reason you don’t want to eat apples in the evening or at night is that they’re a high-glycemic fruit. This means that they can cause your blood sugar levels to spike, which isn’t good if you’re trying to lose weight.
Eating apples late at night or in the evening might harm your digestive system and body’s metabolism. According to research, eating late is responsible for obesity and other diseases related to high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes.
Because your digestion slows down at night, apples will remain in your stomach longer, causing stomach acid build-up and resulting in gas discomfort.
Eating an apple in the morning is a great way to start your day off on the right foot and will help you to stay full until lunchtime. Not only that, apples are a great source of fiber and antioxidants, which can help keep your body healthy and looking good.
When to eat apples? Before or after a meal?
To best answer this question, we need first to look at what happens in your body when you eat. When you consume food (and apples are no exception), the process of digestion begins immediately after swallowing them into your mouth.
Your stomach acid breaks down proteins and fats while other enzymes work on carbohydrates such as starch or sugar found in apples. This process of digestion is much slower at night than during the daytime, meaning that apple will remain in your stomach longer and potentially cause problems like acid reflux or heartburn.
Apples should be consumed before a meal since they are high in dietary fiber, which assists to reduce the absorption of simple carbohydrates, according to studies.
What are the benefits of eating apples?
Apples are high in fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. Studies show that eating whole fruits like apples may help prevent heart disease and stroke.
Apples also contain a lot of vitamin C which is important for immune system health as well as skin, hair, and nails too!
How many apples can I eat per day?
One apple a day is the recommended serving size. However, you can eat more or less depending on your daily calorie intake goals and health needs.
In general, one to two apples a day is sufficient for most people.
It is recommended to eat apples separately at separate times throughout the day.
Can I eat apples with an empty stomach?
Yes. Apples are best eaten on an empty stomach, as the fiber content helps to keep your blood sugar levels steady throughout the day so you don’t get hungry or crash later in afternoon hours when most people tend to snack before dinner time.
So if you want sustained energy all morning long, eat apples first thing!
Are apples good for weight loss?
Apples are a great snack if you’re trying to lose weight.
They provide long-lasting energy and help keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the day.
So you don’t get hungry or crash later in the afternoon hours when most people tend to snack before dinner time.
Eating an apple is best with breakfast, as this will keep you satisfied for longer periods of time (and help prevent overeating at lunch).
Are Apple Smoothies Good for Weight Loss?
Yes, apple smoothies are a great way to lose weight.
They provide long-lasting energy and help keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the day.
Apple smoothies also contain fiber which can help regulate digestion.
In summary, apple smoothies are a great way to lose weight as they provide long-lasting energy, help keep blood sugar levels stable, and contain fiber which can regulate digestion. Try consuming them in the morning for the best results!
Apple Smoothie Recipe
• Apples (peeled, cored, and sliced) – 200g or around four medium-sized apples.
• Coconut milk – 300ml of thick coconut milk from a can that has been chilled overnight in the fridge before using it (chilling helps thicken). This recipe uses full fat but low-fat versions work just as well if you prefer not to use fats for your smoothies! Alternatively, add some honey instead). Add more liquid if necessary until desired consistency is achieved. Use 100ml less than the required amount needed per serving size so that there’s room left over for sweeteners like maple syrup or agave nectar when blending into individual glasses later on after making the base mixture firstly beforehand. You can also use water instead of coconut milk if you want to keep it vegan-friendly!
• Ice cubes – 100g or around two small cubes per person. This makes the smoothie thicker with less liquid which means it will stay colder longer without melting away quickly like some other types do when made from scratch at home using fresh fruit juices only (without added sugar).
• Lemon juice (optional) – One teaspoon per serving size. Add more if needed until desired consistency is achieved but don’t add too much as this may alter taste drastically over time so best used sparingly to avoid ruining your recipe altogether!). If not using any sweeteners then go ahead and reduce the amount by half since we’re going for maximum health here rather than taste.
Add all ingredients into a blender and blend until desired consistency is achieved. If you find the mixture too thick, add more liquid until desired consistency is achieved. Pour smoothie into glasses and enjoy!
(serves two)

In conclusion, the best time to eat apples is in the morning, preferably before breakfast. Eating an apple is a great way to start your day off right and give you sustained energy throughout the morning.
Apples are also a great source of fiber which can help regulate your digestion.
Apple smoothie is also a great way to lose weight. They provide long-lasting energy, help keep blood sugar levels stable, and contain fiber which can regulate digestion. Try consuming both apples and apple smoothies in the morning for the best results!